These are the trials I have heard of so far. I will update the links as I learn more.
A lot of parents are eager to have their children vaccinated and motivated enough to comply with several study visits, blood draws and potentially getting a placebo dose.
Some of these trials are open label which means you will be told what you get. An important question as you consider signing up for closed studies is when will your child be unblinded? If the vaccine is approved will you then be told if you got placebo for example.
Volunteers for this research are doing the good work and helping all of us to reach herd immunity, so if you choose to sign up thank you!
Chicago (6Y+?)
Nashville (5-12 Pfizer) or Vanderbilt
Velocity research (many locations).
Washington U in St. Louis (J/J birth and up, moderna 12+)
University of Florida Jacksonville, Florida
The new moderna study for 6 mo-11 years is open label.